+233 508 953 937 Mon-Sun: 8:00 AM - 10:00 PM


Membership: There are two categories of membership as follows:

Registered Members: Membership is open to registered Christian organizations, churches or apostles, evangelists, prophets, pastors and teachers and any ministers ministering in the form of word or song associated with an established and accredited church and; believing and:

  • i. Confessing the Lord Jesus Christ as the only true source of forgiveness of sins and salvation,
  • ii. Accepting the Holy Spirit as the revealer of all truth and provider of gifts for the edification, comfort and healing of all and,
  • iii. Attesting to the power blood of Jesus Christ a serving atonement for our reconciliation with God the Father.
  • Application by an institution, church or per persons to become a member is based on criteria set by the Council of Trustees. Admission is based on approval by at least a third of the Council of Trustees.

Associate Members: Associate Membership is open to every born-again Christian aspiring to become a minister in the form of word or song associated with an established and accredited church.

Effect of Prohibition. Any action that would otherwise require approval by a majority of all members or approval by the members shall require only approval of the Council of Trustees. All rights that would otherwise vest under the Camp Elim Africa Law in the members shall vest in the Council of Trustees.
